
Participatory Business Plan Workshop


圖解遊戲規劃(Graphic Game Plan):視覺化導引手法幫助團隊思考面臨的挑戰,透過精確定義的一組有意義的空間來組織人們的思考過程,把想法轉變成行動。在遊戲規劃中,使用粗略的視覺效果來表示挑戰、用箭頭表示行動,用車輪表示成功因素,用箭靶表示目的等等,喚醒團隊思考目前的現況為何?前方遠大的前景是甚麼?有哪些困難迫在眉睫?什麼力量可以幫助我們前進?什麼力量阻止了我們?

World Café對話:以邀請組織或團體的成員,透過對話,激盪內心深層的想法、思考與智慧,邀請成員一起體驗共同思考與對話的力量,不知不覺組織的智慧被激盪出多元且創新的新種子。

  • 目前立足點和波浪分析 (Wave Analysis)

What is currently going on and what is the trend?

  • 運作的願景 (Operation Vision)

What could effectiveness look like for you and we will be in next 3 years?

  • 戰略方向 (Key Priorities)

What is the Fix/Growth/Transform we can strengthen or transform effectively to reach vision successfully?

Break into Customer/Process/People Perspective with World Café dialog

  • 潛在矛盾 (Underlying Contradiction)

What is currently blocking us from being effectively as stated in our victory circle?

  • 突破性行動 (Breakthrough strategy and action)

What could you/we do to deal with these underlying contractions and allow the victory circle to take place?

What else we can do paradigm shift?

More infelligent insight